Though Tourism Kelowna's Travel Media program was on hold throughout 2021, we were able to support a handful of visits in collaboration with our partners at Destination BC, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, Serena PR, and Wine Growers of BC. From those visits, and past media familiarization tours, Kelowna and area did continue to receive positive coverage that helped to push consideration for travel in markets that were not impacted by restrictions, as well as build awareness for future travel in other markets. 

Below are some of the highlights from fall and early winter in 2021:

Over the course of 2021, we had over 220 placements with a reach of nearly 78 million. To view highlight coverage from the first half of 2021, click here

Locally, we've continued working with KelownaNow to encourage residents to support local and #exploreKelownaToday through fall and winter with monthly guides:

In 2022, as long as conditions permit, there will be three proactive media visits:

  1. Winter wine & dine, plus ski with a focus on Ontario and Quebec outlets
  2. Spring outdoor activities, agriculture, and food with a focus on Alberta/Western Canada outlets
  3. Fall will be focused on food and wine with BC and Western Canada outlets being targeted

Though the angles and pitches for these visits are still being refined, the media targeted will be from key markets, as mentioned, to help drive awareness and consideration for travel in Kelowna in each season. Similarly, social media influencer visits are planned for each season to reach niche markets in Canada to drive awareness of ways to explore Kelowna in a safe and responsible manner. These visits will also help fill content gaps, as we will receive photo and video assets from each visit, in addition to the social reach and influence. 

Have a new or unique product or experience that you'd like to let travel media know about? Email me at with information! Story ideas, along with media request replies and pitches, will be happening throughout the year.