Tourism Kelowna's Volunteers

Tourism Kelowna has an outstanding team of volunteers that work hard to ensure that visitors receive all of the recommendations and information they need. Our volunteers can be found at our downtown visitor centre, airport information kiosk, and throughout the Central Okanagan with our mobile visitor services team.

Interested in becoming a volunteer for Tourism Kelowna, please fill out the form for the location you would like to volunteer at: Kelowna Visitor Centre or Airport Kiosk. Want to learn more about volunteering opportunities at Tourism Kelowna, click here

Bruce Taylor
Bruce Taylor

Betty Jeffers
Betty Jeffers

Dave Okeson
Dave Okeson

David Hawker
Dave - Volunteer

Debbie Rona
Debbie Rona

Eileen Dionne
Eileen Dionne

Elaine Mori
Elaine Mori

Heidi Adhofer
Heidi Adhofer

Kelly Holberton
Kelly Holberton

Les Gilbert
Les Gilbert

Lucy Avery
Lucy - Volunteer

Naomi Ee
Naomi Ee

Randy DiMarco 
Randy DiMarco

Walter Dionne
Walter Dionne

Wendy Ikesaka
Wendy Ikesaka

Additional Volunteers

Barb Lyttleton
Christine DiMarco
Christine Turcotte
Deb Lennie
Dieter Hotz
Gary Donnelly
Gorete Welland
Ian Speed

Jan Donnelly
Joanne Agnew
Jody Milstein
Kathy Parkhill
Les Gilbert
Laurie Elsey
Lori Jakins
Marnie Parton
Myrtle Dunne

Paulette Brosseau
Randy DiMarco
Shanique Makota
Sheila Roth
Sherry Cote
Susan Detlefsen
Suzanne Shaw
Wanda Denis
Veronique Verreault

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