Looking for photos to promote Kelowna and area? Wondering where to find additional content to share with your online community? As a Tourism Kelowna stakeholder, you can use the wealth of content available on our website, YouTube channel, and through our digital asset library.  

Our #exploreKelowna Blog features an array of posts that appeal to a variety of travellers. Many of our recent posts provide updates on COVID-19 health and safety measures that businesses have put in to place, which is important for those looking to travel now and in the near future. Once you've found a post you'd like to share, simply scroll to the bottom of the article to find quick share buttons (see image below) for all social media channels, as well as for email and Facebook Messenger; click on the '+' sign to see all available options.

Screen capture of blog post

At the top of every page on tourismkelowna.com, you will also see the 'Share' option on the right-hand side of the page (pictured below); click to select where you'd like to share the page. A pop-up window will appear, corresponding to whichever channel was selected, thereby allowing you to add additional messaging as you see fit. If you are sharing to your social media channels, you will have to be logged into the applicable account first. Our 'Ways to Explore Safely in Kelowna' page is a great example of content that would be useful to share with your followers. 

Screenshot of Website

To find photos and videos that you can share, you'll want to register for access to our Digital Asset Library or check out the content on our YouTube Channel, like the fall-themed video below. Our 'Kelowna is Ready' toolkit also provides a variety of shareable resources. 



Looking for industry-focused information, including posts about Tourism Kelowna's activities? Our Industry News Centre will keep you informed and offer content that is ideal for sharing on LinkedIn or other news-focused channels.

We encourage you to share the content we develop as much as possible, particularly as it relates to COVID-19 health and safety, as this will help to inform and inspire visitors when they are dreaming of, planning, or booking their next trip to Kelowna.

When sharing our assets on social media, please tag Tourism Kelowna and credit authors, photographers or videographers, as applicable.

For more information about our digital marketing efforts, including the #exploreKelowna Blog, contact Steve Small at steve@tourismkelowna.com. For information about the Industry News Centre or social media, contact Melissa McCluskey at melissa@tourismkelowna.com