
Blog #exploreKelowna

Jennifer Widmer

A former communications and events professional, and Tourism Kelowna employee who enjoyed sharing all of Kelowna's best with members of the media; Jen now enjoys life at home with her husband and two daughters. Some of her Kelowna faves include coffee and apple fritters from It's a Bakery followed by a stroll down Bellevue Creek, pizza and cocktails at Skinny Duke's, skiing Big White, and local buys from the Okanagan Lavender Farm and Mosaic Books. 

Meet the Neighbeers: Clement Avenue

5 min read

Kelowna’s newest beer offerings can all be found on the same street. A one-stop beer drinking ‘shop,’ the breweries of Clement Ave are a collection of craft offerings each with its own unique experience and only steps from one another…