Your Feedback Matters: Participate in Tourism Kelowna's Annual Member Survey

1 min read

Every year, Tourism Kelowna distributes a survey to its voting members to measure their overall satisfaction with the organization's programs and services. This survey provides businesses with the opportunity to share their feedback and views with our team, which in turn helps us make strategic and tactical changes that directly impact their needs. …

Stakeholder Feedback Matters

1 min read

Every year, Tourism Kelowna distributes a survey to its voting stakeholders to measure their overall satisfaction with the organization's programs and services. The survey provides stakeholders with the opportunity to share their feedback and views with our team, which in turn helps us make strategic and tactical changes that directly impact their needs. …

Fourth Stakeholder COVID-19 Impact Survey

2 min read

As we near one full year of travel restrictions due to the global health pandemic, Tourism Kelowna wanted to once again gauge the economic impact COVID-19 continues to have on the tourism industry. In mid-February, we sent out our fourth COVID-19 Impact Survey to all Tourism Kelowna stakeholders, and once again we received strong interest and engagement levels from all sectors of the industry…

2020 Stakeholder Survey Results

2 min read

Tourism Kelowna works with over 400 stakeholders that represent the entire tourism industry, from accommodations, restaurants, and guided tours to attractions, retailers, and so much more. As the destination marketing organization (DMO) for Kelowna, our mandate is to support and market our destination in a sustainable manner that strengthens the economy and enriches the quality of life of our residents, and it's a role we take seriously and are proud to do. …

Stakeholder Survey Results

1 min read

Tourism Kelowna’s marketing engine is powered by more than 400 local tourism-related businesses and organizations. These stakeholders have entrusted us with funding to research, develop, and execute advertising and communication strategies that will inspire and motivate travellers to visit our beautiful year-round destination…