Commemorating National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

3 min read

In June of this year, the Government of Canada passed legislation to introduce a new federal statutory holiday in response to one of the calls to action (#80) outlined by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. September 30 will mark the first observance of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which, as noted on the Government of Canada website, will provide “an opportunity to recognize and commemorate the tragic history and ongoing legacy of residential schools, and to honour their survivors, their families and communities…

Celebrating BDC Small Business Week With Stories of Resilience

5 min read

This week, October 18 – 24, is BDC Small Business Week. This year's theme is Forging the way Forward, recognizing the resilience of small business—as well as their creativity, courage, and adaptability—during these unprecedented and uncertain times. In keeping with this theme, we want to share our stakeholders' stories of resilience (these are only some of the many inspiring and creative stories). …