Through the winter and spring, our marketing and communications team was fully engaged in creating articles, curating social media content, producing new videos, and working with local content creators and media outlets to actively encourage Kelowna residents to stay local and support local.Here is a snapshot of two projects that took place from March through May.

Staycation Series


Staycation Series Screenshot

From the end of February through to the beginning of April we worked with nine different content creators on a staycation series posted to the #exploreKelowna blog and Instagram Stories. Each content creator visited a different accommodation and each stay had a different theme. This included everything from winery exploring in Lake Country, an e-bike adventure with a B&B stay in West Kelowna, a kid-free lakeside resort staycation, and several family-friendly posts. All of the content pieces, which were viewed over 6,200 times with an average time-on-page of three minutes, linked back to the participating accommodators and businesses.


KelownaNow Contests and Content

Kelowna Now Content Screenshot

When the "circuit breaker" was announced by provincial health authorities at the end of March, our team moved into action to support the food and beverage industry, in addition to continuing to encourage staycations. Reaching a local audience is a no-brainer with KelownaNow—with four sponsored articles we received over 4,700 reads and a reach of nearly 20,000 on social media. We hosted two different contests with KelownaNow. One was a $750 customizable Kelowna staycation, which drew in over 750 entries, with 2,900 paged views, and over 13,000 social media reach. The second contest was hosted on KelownaNow's Instagram and Facebook pages and offered ten $100 gift cards to local restaurants. That contest had over 2,500 entires and reached 60,000 Kelowna residents.

If you have any questions about our local activations, please contact me at