On Wednesday, June 1, Tourism Kelowna officially launched its pilot mobile visitor services program within the District of Lake Country. Services will be run through to September 15, with Tourism Kelowna team members providing community and visitor information through in-person and LiveChat interactions.
Two Community Specialists, Jamie and Calta, pictured above, will be representing Tourism Kelowna in Lake Country, providing services Wednesday through Sunday. Recruitment for additional staff who live within, or nearby to, the District of Lake Country is ongoing—click here to view the job posting. Once additional team members are hired, service will increase to seven days per week.
The team will be popping up at events and high-traffic areas throughout the community including the Okanagan Rail Trail, parks and beaches, and more. Every Friday, our team will be manning an information tent (pictured above) at the Lake Country Farmers' Market, where a variety of retail products will also be available to purchase. For the first weekend of June, Calta and Jamie were also set up at Oyama Fun Day and rode their Pedego E-Bikes in the parade along the isthmus.
The team can be contacted by emailing lakecountry@tourismkelowna.com or calling (250) 861-1515 ext. 206.