As of September 13, 2021, residents of BC and visitors to the province will be required to show proof of having received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in order to access certain businesses, services, and events, including meetings and conferences. 

The new proof of vaccination requirement—which will be in place until at least January 31, 2022, and applies to individuals aged 12 and up—was announced by provincial health officials on August 23. People have a full month after the requirement launches to ensure they are fully immunized; as of October 24, 2021, proof of two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine will be required to continue accessing discretionary activities and attractions. 

As outlined on the Government of BC website, the following is the list of businesses, services, and events to which the proof of vaccination requirement will apply:

  • Indoor ticketed concerts, theatre, dance, symphony, and sporting events
  • Indoor and outdoor dining at restaurants, pubs, and bars
  • Nightclubs and casinos
  • Movie theatres
  • Gyms, pools, and recreation facilities (excluding youth recreational sport)
  • Indoor high-intensity group exercise 
  • Indoor organized gatherings like weddings, parties, conferences, meetings, and workshops
  • Indoor organized group recreational classes and activities like pottery and art (does not include K to 12 school and before and after school programs)
  • Post-secondary on-campus student housing (students must be partially vaccinated by September 7)

Residents will be able to access B.C.'s Vaccine Card in advance of the September 13 launch—this will provide users with a digital card or a paper copy confirming their vaccination status. 

Travellers to BC will also be required to show proof of vaccination:

  • Canadian visitors will need to show their officially recognized vaccine record and valid government-issued photo ID (both need to be issued from the same province or territory). 
  • US visitors will need to show proof of vaccination and their passport when entering Canada. 

Individuals in the Central Okanagan who have yet to receive their first or second vaccine can book an appointment or drop into one of Interior Health's Immunization Clinics. Second doses can be administered 28 days after the first dose for residents of the Interior Health Region.

More information about the proof of vaccination requirement and B.C.'s Vaccine Card can be found on the Government of BC website