Wine Trails Passport - Messaging Toolkit 

Through November & December 2022 the #exploreKelowna Wine Trails Passport will be live to offer exclusive deals to wine lovers! Through our social media accounts and newsletters, we'll be promoting the Pass to Kelowna & Central Okanagan residents, as well as visitors.

To amplify these messages, we encourage you, as partners in the Pass, to also share news of the Wine Trails Passports with your networks. We have put together some images and suggested messaging that you can use on your channels. We have also included an overlay so that you can add the #exploreKelowna Wine Trails Passport logo to any of your own images. 


Suggested Messaging

Facebook and Instagram

The #exploreKelowna Wine Trails Passport is now available! This FREE pass provides access to exclusive offers and discounts at a selection of wineries, as well as the chance to win some great prizes. Sign up now to support local, explore your own backyard, and sample award-winning wines!  [link in bio or]

Additional Messaging

Want to sample amazing wines and enter to win some great prizes? Sign up now for the #exploreKelowna Wine Trails Passport at and start exploring.

Have you heard? The #exploreKelowna Wine Trails Pass is out now! If you’re in Kelowna or the Central Okanagan, sign up today to get access to exclusive deals from select wineries [, or ‘link in bio’ verbiage]


  • Include the hashtag #exploreKelowna and tag @tourismKelowna for us to find your posts.
    • We encourage visitors and industry to use these tags to share their messages. It keeps visitors, residents, and us at Tourism Kelowna informed.

Images & Overlays

  • We have attached an example image with the Wine Trails Passport logo included that you can share on your channels. 
  • We have also attached an overlay of the logo so you can use it with the images of your own business. This can be done with media editing tools such as Photoshop or Canva (Canva is a free easy to use website). 
    • The overlay is 1080 x 1080 pixel (1:1 ratio) best used for social media posts.

Poster & Decals

  • Visit the Kelowna Visitor Centre to pick up physical copies of the #exploreKelowna Wine Trails Passport posters & decals or print the poster file and post it at your business so staff and customers know you're part of the program.