Tourism Kelowna is excited to announce that we are resuming our Stakeholder Plug-in Sessions, virtually, after they were paused in 2020 due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Each Plug-In Session covers a specific topic that directly impacts or affects a sector within the tourism industry and enables our stakeholders to learn and understand key industry and community projects and issues and how these might affect their business.
A leading industry expert joins us as the guest speaker for each session. Past speakers have included Laura Bentley, Community Planning Supervisor with the City of Kelowna, who presented City staff's recommendations for regulating short-term rentals; Deidra Cambell, Co-Founder of the IMPACT Conference, who led a discussion on Responsible Tourism; and William Bakker from Destination Think!, who shared insights and recommendations on how tourism organizations can take an active role in destination development.
On March 30, Tourism Kelowna will present the first of four Stakeholder Plug-In Sessions scheduled for 2021. In this first session, which will be held virtually, Robert Miles, OCP Project Planner with the City of Kelowna, will present highlights from the 2040 Official Community Plan (OCP), speak to recommendations that impact the tourism industry, and answer questions about the plan. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A period and a virtual networking opportunity.
The Plug-In Sessions are free and exclusively for participating stakeholders of Tourism Kelowna. If you are interested in joining Tourism Kelowna or are already a stakeholder and would like to attend the session, please reach out to me at