We have big news to share! As of April 1, Tourism Kelowna's business development, marketing, and administration staff have permanently moved to working remotely from home and, as a result, we have closed the Tourism Kelowna office at 1635 Abbott Street.This will not affect our Visitor Experience team who continue to work as usual from the Kelowna Visitor Centre, promoting local businesses, serving residents, and (one day soon we hope) helping happy travellers coming to the Central Okanagan.
Closing the office was not a decision we made lightly. Like so many tourism-related businesses, Tourism Kelowna’s operating budget continues to be significantly impacted by COVID-19 travel restrictions. About 60% of our marketing funding comes from the 3% Municipal Regional District Tax that Kelowna hotel guests pay. Fewer hotel guests mean less marketing funds at a time when we will need it the most to help rebuild Kelowna’s $2 billion visitor economy.
I am so proud of Tourism Kelowna's team members who unanimously decided to give up the cost of an office and instead allocate those savings directly to destination marketing resources. We are equally committed to maintaining our high level of award-winning service to our stakeholders and we look forward to continuing to work together to help our industry rise.
Photo: Tourism Kelowna team members on moving day
As always, and in service, our team is available to assist you. If you have any questions about the office closure, please email me at lisanne@tourismkelowna.com.