Tourism Kelowna hosted another Stakeholder Plug-In Session last week on Wednesday, October 2. William Bakker, from Destination Think!, shared insights into the need for destination marketing organizations to take an active role in destination development. Through examples of best (and worst) practices, William provided some clarity on why investment in destination development is crucial to ensuring Kelowna and its surrounding communities continue to be one of the best places to work, live, and visit. 

William Bakker presenting in front of a projection screen.

The discussion following the presentation provided the more than 50 stakeholders in attendance with next steps in the destination development process; our team will be working with Destination Think! over the course of the upcoming year to develop Kelowna's Tourism Master Plan, which will include defining Kelowna's core identity through Place DNA™. William explained that every tourism business in the area will create its own chapter in the destination story and should align with Kelowna's PlaceDNA™ to deliver authentic Kelowna experiences.

William's presentation is available for review through the Stakeholder Bulletins section of the Tourism Kelowna Extranet