As a research-based organization, Tourism Kelowna conducts a wide variety of annual surveys to gather feedback, measure results, and inform future planning. Tourism Kelowna stakeholders are an especially important audience to hear from, comprised of 413 tourism-related businesses who have invested funds with us for destination marketing or to promote their own businesses – and for that we are grateful.

We have once again engaged Larose Research & Strategy to conduct our annual stakeholder survey. Stakeholders will soon receive the electronic survey invitation to complete 10 short questions designed to provide your perspective and feedback on Tourism Kelowna's programs and services.

Feedback from last year’s survey resulted in Tourism Kelowna launching a series of tourism information “Plug-In” sessions exclusively for stakeholders, providing added value for those respondents seeking more benefits and resources. You also asked for expanded efforts to attract meetings and conferences, which led to a new partnership with Destinations Canada and the innovative Economic Sector Strategy. Respondents last year placed a high value on our industry news blog, so we have moved to a weekly publishing schedule and continue to add more and varied content.

We thank you in advance for your participation in this year's survey and look forward to hearing your feedback and ideas! 

For more information on the survey, or for any questions, please contact me at or at (250) 861-1515 ext. 202.