All businesses that participate in Tourism Kelowna's Base or Enhanced Advertising Programs receive a web listing on This post will provide tips to help you elevate your web listing, thereby keeping it fresh and drawing in visitors to learn more about your business.

1. Sense of Place

Myra Canyon Trestles

You can create a sense of place with your listing through an enticing description and eye-catching imagery. The purpose of the web listing is to drive traffic to your website. You want to provide just enough information in the listing to encourage visitors to click on your “Book Now” or “Website” button, or to check out your social media channels. 

  • Provide images that showcase what best represents your business.
    • Give the visitor a good idea of what you can offer them.
    • For example, if you operate a B&B, show pictures of the front door, entrance, living space, amenities, bedrooms, and food options (if applicable).
  • Write a description that adds to the photos. Most visitors will look at the photos first then move onto the description.
    • Visitors should have a good idea of what you offer from the images, now hook them in with the description.
    • Describe the parts of your business that can't be communicated through images.

2. Relevant and Timely

Winter in Wine Country - Mission Hill

One of the most important and best ways to connect with visitors is by keeping your listing up to date and relevant. If a traveller lands on your listing while planning a winter getaway and your description and images are geared towards summer, they might think you are closed for the winter season and leave your listing right away. It is important to update your listing at a minimum once a year or, even better, seasonally. You are more likely to engage the visitor if your description is relevant and timely. 

  • It is important to keep your listing relevant with new information or images that will excite the visitor and make them want to learn more.
  • If you are launching a new product or service, or are excited about an upcoming change to your products or services, share that on your listing

3. Photo Quality

Person Holding Camera

Off-putting, grainy or hard to distinguish photos will likely turn off visitors. Photos are the first thing potential customers will see when viewing your listing so having quality photos is key.

  • You can include up to 10 photos in your listing. Try to have at least five photos—this is your opportunity to showcase your business!

If you are having a hard time trying to create quality photos, look at social media. On Instagram, you can search your business by location and or through hashtags. There may be photos your guests have taken and would be happy to share with you, perhaps in exchange for a discount on their next visit. Be sure to have them send you a high-quality version of the image and be sure to get explicit permission to repurpose their photo. 

You can update your web listing using Tourism Kelowna's Partner Portal. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to update your listing. Or, if you need any assistance, please contact me at or (250) 861-1515 ext. 216.