December was an exciting month for group business networking in the Toronto marketplace. Holiday and social events were in full swing in all market segments and, once again, this year's events were sold out. 

MPI Gala
MPI Holiday Gala Dinner

The three events we attended were Meeting Professionals International's (MPI) Holiday Gala Dinner in the corporate market, Canadian Society of Association Executives' (CSAE) Holiday Showcase Dinner in the association market, and Society for Incentive Travel Excellence's (SITE) Holiday Social in the incentive market. These three events welcomed 480, 360, and 100 attendees respectively. 

CSAE Holiday Dinner
CSAE Holiday Showcase Dinner

For extra coverage in all three market segments, Tourism Kelowna donated a gift package to each event's silent auction fundraiser. In conjunction with these donations, Tourism Kelowna was provided additional coverage through email blasts and pamphlets for the MPI and CSAE events, while we were mentioned on the podium screen at the SITE event. 

SITE Holiday Social
SITE Holiday Social

All in all, December in Toronto was a wonderful month of networking and exposure for Tourism Kelowna's group business. For further information about these events, please contact Pat Gappmayr at (416) 265-3464 or