This week, Tourism Kelowna is joining organizations across Canada to celebrate National Volunteer Week (NVW), which runs from April 19 to 25. “It's time to applaud this country's volunteers” is the theme for 2020. The week will celebrate “the commitment, dedication, and selflessness that are the hallmarks of volunteerism across Canada.”

At Tourism Kelowna, we are so fortunate and proud to have a group of 61 Visitor Experience volunteers and 18 Board of Director volunteers. All of these people graciously choose to donate their time and have a massive impact not only on our organization but within the entire community. Their own unique personalities and passion are what make our community so enjoyable for both travellers and locals.

Volunteer Chritsmas Party 2019

Tourism Kelowna Staff, Board of Directors, and Visitor Experience Volunteers, 2019 Volunteer Appreciation Christmas Party

Volunteers within our organization can be found doing many different jobs. They could be greeting visitors as they disembark from their plane at Kelowna International Airport, or helping people searching for information at the Kelowna Visitor Centre. They can also be seen throughout the community at various events with our mobile visitor centre. Our Visitor Experience volunteers pride themselves on the work that they do—they are passionate about showcasing Kelowna and the Central Okanagan so both visitors and locals have the best experiences possible.

Volunteers at Prospera Place

Mobile visitor services being provided at 2019 Skate Canada International

Tourism Kelowna’s volunteer base consists of 61 volunteers, with new applications being received weekly. In 2019, our volunteers contributed close to 5,900 hours to the organization at either the airport kiosk, the Kelowna Visitor Centre, or mobile events.

“Volunteers are an integral part of the Tourism Kelowna team. From our Board of Directors setting strategic direction to our Visitor Experience volunteers assisting locals and visitors from all over the world, we could not create the impact that we do without them” says Director of Visitor Experience, Chris Lewis. “I would like to thank each and every volunteer, not only at Tourism Kelowna but at all organizations in our community, for their endless support.”

Tourism Kelowna’s volunteer team brings cheerfulness, passion, value, and eagerness to work with them every day. Our organization would not be the same without them.