The Kelowna Visitor Centre has become a central hub for visitors and residents searching for ideas and information on how to spend time in Kelowna. Since its opening at the end of June 2018, over 150,000 people have walked through its doors.

Advertising in the Kelowna Visitor Centre presents a great opportunity to get in front of these individuals, increasing awareness and exposure of your product or service. There are two specific advertising opportunities available:

Digital Display Advertising

Advertise your product, service or experience on one of the three large screens in the Kelowna Visitor Centre with a digital ad. There are two 48” screens and one 110” video display wall available for purchase annually or per season. Placements can include a 20-second video or two static images (each displayed for 10 seconds at a time). Prices range from $75 to $750 and space is limited. 

Ad Placement Dates  48" Display Screen 110" Display Wall
Spring - March to May  $100  $200
Summer - June to August  $175   $275
Fall - September to November  $100  $200
Winter - December to February  $75  $150
Full Year Rate   $400   $750


Digital Display Images

Visitor Centre Display Advertising

You can also have your business take over one of three areas to showcase your products or services. The Exterior Display Window, the Entrance Shelf, and the North Wall are all available for monthly or seasonal placements. Get in front of the thousands of people who come into the Kelowna Visitor Centre each month by having your products exhibited inside our centre, or target all those walking along the downtown Kelowna boardwalk with the Exterior Display Window. 

Ad Placements Dates & Rates  Rates per month
Spring - March to May   $800/ month
Summer - June to August   $1,000/ month
Fall - September to November  $800/ month
Winter - December to February  $675/month


VC Display Areas


For more information or to book your display space please contact Sara Correa, Marketing Programs & Research, at or Joey Byatt, Visitor Experience, Service & Retail, at