Albertans are in our thoughts this week as wildfires in the Northern part of the province displace thousands and disperse smoke across the province and into parts of B.C. Hazy conditions within B.C.'s interior have triggered questions and concerns from visitors and locals alike. As a tourism operator or hospitality business, you can work with Tourism Kelowna to address these questions and concerns.
By posting real-time content to your social media channels and using #RealTimeKelowna, you can join in our efforts to reassure visitors while helping to manage expectations. Be sure to tag Tourism Kelowna in all posts, including Instagram Stories, so we have the ability to amplify your posts to our 100,000-plus digital followers. You can continue to use #exploreKelowna when sharing content.
You can also include helpful links to current weather conditions and our live-streaming webcam, broadcasting from the Kelowna Visitor Centre. Your customers will appreciate you even more for providing these updates and travel resources!
We would also appreciate your social media managers connecting with Melissa McCluskey, who oversees Tourism Kelowna's social media, so they can be added to our communication list. This will assist us in easily informing your team of key messages related to adverse weather conditions, or other emergency situations, which can then be shared through social media.
Should you require them, here are Tourism Kelowna's social media handles:
- Instagram: @tourismkelowna
- Facebook: TourismKelowna
- Twitter: @Tourism_Kelowna