Meet @nickihdizzle, last week’s guestgrammer, and #exploreKelowna along with her.

View from 19 Greens

"I experienced the fun of 19 Greens Golf Course for the first time this summer! The view of the bridge isn't too shabby either."

Okanagan Sunset from Kettle Valley

"Enjoying another Okanagan sunset while perched on a cliff above my house basking in the warm summer breeze above Kettle Valley."

Okanagan Lake Backflip

"The beach is good for more than swimming! It's a softer landing if the trick fails.."

Downtown Kelowna Walk

"A walk around @downtownkelowna on a warm summer evening is a treat for the senses."

Sunset Over Okanagan Lake

"Watched the sun bathe the city in a warm glow as it went down."

Gray Monk Winery

"We enjoyed not only the wine at @graymonkwinery, but the stunning views as well."

Sunset in Kelowna

Below are a few bonus images not posted on Instagram!

View from Okanagan Mountain Park

Big Sky in Kelowna

About @nickihdizzle

Hi! My name is Nicole Hamilton. I've called this amazing, 4 season playground, home since I was 5. I live off-grid, raise boys, chickens and dogs, pretend to garden, partner with my husband in our construction and adventure businesses (Tinastin Adventures - @tinastinadventures), play with photography, hope to one day write something the world will want to read, and am a Kelowna loving woman!

#exploreKelowna through a local’s lens.

It’s clear – locals love getting out and doing things in Kelowna. Tourism Kelowna’s guest instagrammer program shares the many sides of Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley, as well as insider tips, right from our locals that love living here!