Looking for something a little different to do while in Kelowna? Sign up for the FREE #exploreKelowna Uptown Rutland Murals Pass and check out the amazing murals of the Uptown Mural Project. Rutland, a community in the east area of Kelowna, is home to 18 large-scale outdoor murals, which have been created by local, national, and international artists. 

The free digital pass takes on the form of a scavenger hunt, so you can learn about the murals in a fun interactive way. Eighteen murals are included—each comes with a locator on a map and includes the name of the artist(s), Instagram account, description, and a scavenger hunt question. Visit each of the murals and answer all of the questions correctly, to be automatically entered to win a prize.

Signing up for the #exploreKelowna Uptown Rutland Murals pass is easy—simply visit the web page, fill out the online form to receive a text or email with a link to your passport, save it to your phone, and start exploring! 

Rutland Murals Phone Example

You can also make a whole day out of it and continue to explore the diverse and rich culture of the Rutland area. There are many great places for food in Rutland, grab some lunch and head to one of the beautiful parks for a picnic, Rutland Centennial Park and Rutland Lions Park are right on the murals trail. There are also many activities and attractions just a short drive away, you might want to check out Airhouse Sports Academy Kelowna, McCurdy Bowling Centre (and beer), or Okanagan Adventure Park. The pass has a Nearby Businesses & Activities section so you can continue to explore and find some great deals, including:

  • Wings Tap & Grill Kelowna: 20% off its food items. 
  • Farming Karma: 5% discount on its products. 
  • Airhouse Kelowna: 2 for 1 Deal on Drop-In Passes

Sign up for the #exploreKelowna Uptown Rutland Murals and access the scavenger hunt today!


Mural Spirit of the Lake by: Nick Sweetman. Photo by: Mirae Campbell (@miraecampbell)

The Uptown Mural Project is an inclusive and educative urban art initiative presented by Uptown Rutland Business Association (URBA). The goal of this project is to revitalize the Uptown Rutland community, encouraging local artistic development, increasing walkability, and inspiring youth through contemporary public art @fresh.west.official/

Tourism Kelowna would like to thank the Uptown Rutland Business Association (URBA) and the Uptown Mural Project for their support of this project.