Nowhere else around Kelowna offers you three lakes in one viewpoint. Spion Kop has more than one way to approach the summit but regardless of the trail you choose, you will be rewarded with stunning views of Okanagan Lake, Wood Lake, Ellison Lake. And if you take the trail on the east side of the mountain, you can also see Kalamalka Lake.

Spion Kop

If you are familiar with Knox Mountain's Apex Trail, then Spion Kop's Summit Trail will feel similar. You will experience a moderate climb with some steeper sections.

Spion Kop

The view at the summit makes all of the hard work worth it.

Spion Kop

Okanagan sunsets are a great reward after a good hike.

Spion Kop

Spion Kop

Take lots of photos and don't forget to take a selfie or two.

Spion Kop

Spion Kop

Hats off to all of the amazing hikes in our area that offer views of the cities, mountains, valleys, and lakes. When you're out discovering new trails, remember to bring your camera and use the hashtag #exploreKelowna and tag @tourismkelowna for a chance to be featured on Tourism Kelowna's Instagram feed.

This article was originally published in October 2017 and has been updated for accuracy.